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15/04/2024 | Thèmes d’investissement

Investir dans les matières premières avec les ETF - Les bases pour se lancer

Les ETF vous permettent d'investir de manière rentable dans un large panier de matières premières. Dans cet article, nous expliquons pourquoi les ETF de matières premières peuvent être un complément utile à votre portefeuille
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01/02/2024 | Allocation d’actifs

Asset Allocation: choosing the right asset mix for your ETF portfolio

How to choose the right asset allocation for you so that you achieve your goals and minimise the risk you take.
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29/01/2024 | Fonctionnement des ETF

Réplication physique des ETF

Un ETF avec réplication physique, également appelé réplication directe ou réplication totale, suit un indice en achetant directement les titres sous-jacents de l'indice.
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20/10/2023 | Investissement

11 conseils pour investir 100 euros de plus dans un plan d'investissement en ETF

Comment trouver plus d'argent à investir alors que nos revenus sont plus que jamais sous pression ? Heureusement, il existe de nombreuses astuces créatives pour libérer des fonds.
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09/10/2023 | Investissement

Qu'est-ce que le rééquilibrage d'un portefeuille ?

Le rééquilibrage aide à contrôler les risques de votre portefeuille à long terme et offre un rendement supplémentaire grâce à des opérations anticycliques.
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04/10/2023 | ETF obligataires

An introduction to government bond ETFs

What are government bonds and why should they be in every investor’s portfolio?
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04/10/2023 | Les fondamentaux sur les ETF

Que sont les ETN ?

Les Exchange Traded Notes (ETN) sont des titres qui titrisent des valeurs comme par exemple celles des crypto-monnaies.
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04/10/2023 | Fonctionnement des ETF

Qu'est ce qu'un plan d'épargne d'ETF ?

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les plans d'épargne d'ETF, un guide pas à pas sur leur fonctionnement.
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04/10/2023 | Négociation d’ETF

US-domiciled ETFs: why they are no longer available from many online brokers

The ETF market in the US is big – like the cars, portion sizes and ten-gallon hats. But many brokers have pulled US-domiciled ETFs from their platforms making it extremely difficult for UK retail investors to buy them.
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04/10/2023 | ETF obligataires

Understanding credit risk for bond ETFs

Why bonds should never be thought of as safe
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04/10/2023 | Les fondamentaux sur les ETF

The miracle-growth of compound interest – or how to make £100,000 without really trying

£100,000 may seem like an unreachable goal when you first put money aside but the incredible force of compound interest can transform regular, small payments into large, life-changing sums.
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04/10/2023 | Fonctionnement des ETF

The decline of synthetic ETFs

Synthetic ETFs suffered reputational damage in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis. Investors have favoured physical ETFs ever since, so why do you still need them and who offers them?
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04/10/2023 | Fonctionnement des ETF

Réplication synthétique des ETF

Un ETF synthétique réplique son indice avec un swap transaction, aussi appelé total return swap.
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04/10/2023 | Thèmes d’investissement

What do you get when you buy a Quality ETF?

Quality ETFs focus on profitable, low debt companies that have historically weathered economic turbulence better than other equities.
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04/10/2023 | Thèmes d’investissement

What is a Smart Beta ETF?

A product that tries to combine the best of passive and active investing sounds too good to be true, but is it? Here’s what you need to know.
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04/10/2023 | Fonctionnement des ETF

Security Lending and ETFs

Security lending is one of the dark arts of investment management – boosting returns and increasing risks for investors. Find out what your ETF provider is up to...
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04/10/2023 | Fonctionnement des ETF

Return calculation in the spotlight: Only the time-weighted return ensures comparability

The comparability of returns is the basis for any investment decision. Only if the returns of various investments and portfolios are objectively comparable, you can make the right decision. We explain the differences between the various calculation methods and why the time-weighted return is the best choice.
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04/10/2023 | Thèmes d’investissement

Investing in different sectors via ETFs

Sector ETFs add another string to the private investor's bow, enabling additional options for portfolio diversification and strategy. Here's how you can benefit.
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04/10/2023 | Indices d’actions

MSCI index classification and how they divide up the world

Many ETFs track MSCI indices. But who is MSCI and how does its view of the world impact your portfolio?
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04/10/2023 | Indices d’actions

Indices: the drivers of ETF growth

An ETF tracks the performance of its index as closely as possible. But who is behind the indices? After all, your results depend on how their products capture the market.
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04/10/2023 | Thèmes d’investissement

Megatrends: How to align your ETF portfolio with global developments

Megatrends are the major global forces disrupting and reshaping our world. From technological innovation to demographic change to geopolitical shifts in power, you can surf these megatrends using ETFs.
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04/10/2023 | Fonctionnement des ETF

How synthetic ETFs reduce counterparty risk

Look at the following factors when you assess counterparty risk.
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04/10/2023 | Thèmes d’investissement

How currency-hedged ETFs protect you from currency risk

With currency-hedged ETFs, you can protect yourself against the risk of foreign currency investments. We explain how currency-hedged ETFs work when you need them and how to find the right one.
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04/10/2023 | Allocation d’actifs

La diversification de votre portefeuille

Ou comment la diversification peut faire toute la différence en réduisant considérablement les risques liés à l'investissement.
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04/10/2023 | Investissement

ETF portfolios versus active fund portfolios - who wins?

Less than 20% of active fund managers beat their benchmark index according to the persistent findings of the SPIVA report. But the reality is that most portfolios are exposed to multiple benchmarks because they contain multiple funds. So how does the active vs passive debate stack up when you take it to the portfolio level?
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