UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc

ISIN LU1169822266


Ticker UFMA

0.15% p.a.
Distribution policy
Full replication
Fund size
79 m



The UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc seeks to track the MSCI Japan (EUR Hedged) index. The MSCI Japan (EUR Hedged) index tracks leading stocks on the Japanese market. Currency hedged to Euro (EUR).
The ETF's TER (total expense ratio) amounts to 0.15% p.a.. The UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc is the only ETF that tracks the MSCI Japan (EUR Hedged) index. The ETF replicates the performance of the underlying index by full replication (buying all the index constituents). The dividends in the ETF are accumulated and reinvested in the ETF.
The UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc is a small ETF with 79m GBP assets under management. The ETF was launched on 25 June 2020 and is domiciled in Luxembourg.
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MSCI Japan (EUR Hedged)
Investment focus
Equity, Japan
Fund size
GBP 79 m
Total expense ratio
0.15% p.a.
Replication Physical (Full replication)
Legal structure ETF
Strategy risk Long-only
Sustainability No
Fund currency EUR
Currency risk Currency hedged
Volatility 1 year (in GBP)
Inception/ Listing Date 25 June 2020
Distribution policy Accumulating
Distribution frequency -
Fund domicile Luxembourg
Fund Provider UBS ETF
Germany 30% tax rebate
Switzerland ESTV Reporting
Austria Tax Reporting Fund
UK UK Reporting
Indextype Total return index
Swap counterparty -
Collateral manager
Securities lending Yes
Securities lending counterparty ABN AMRO Bank N.V.|Bank of Nova Scotia (London Branch)|Barclays Bank plc|Barclays Capital Securities Limited|BNP Paribas (London Branch)|BNP Paribas SA|Citigroup Global Markets Limited|Commerzbank AG|Commerzbank AG (London Branch)|Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited|Deutsche Bank AG|Deutsche Bank AG (London Branch)|Goldman Sachs International|HSBC Bank plc|ING Bank N.V.|ING Bank N.V. (London Branch)|JP Morgan Securities PLC|MacQuarie Bank Ltd. (London Branch)|Merrill Lynch International|Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc|SEB AG (Frankfurt Branch)|Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken|Societe Generale SA|Societe Generale SA (London Branch)|State Street Bank International GmbH (London Branch)

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Below you find information about the composition of the UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc.




Consumer Discretionary
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As of 30/08/2024


Returns overview

YTD +12.84%
1 month +0.68%
3 months -6.58%
6 months -1.86%
1 year +18.59%
3 years +46.04%
5 years -
Since inception (MAX) +79.85%
2023 +28.82%
2022 +0.26%
2021 +5.63%
2020 -

Monthly returns in a heat map


Risk metrics in this section:
  • Volatility, annualised, measured for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. The annualised volatility reflects the degree of price fluctuations during a one year period. The higher the volatility, the more significantly the price of the asset (stock, ETF, etc.) has changed in the past. Assets with higher volatility are generally considered more risky. We calculate the volatility based on the data for the past 1, 3 and 5 years so that you can see if price fluctuations for the ETF became stronger or weaker over time.
  • Return per risk for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. This is the annualised (i.e. converted to a one year period) past return divided by the past annualised volatility. The metric puts the historical return of an asset in relation to its historical risk and gives you a retrospective indication of the degree of price fluctuation you had to bear with in order to obtain the return. We calculate this parameter for 1, 3 and 5 year periods to display its evolution over time.
  • Maximum drawdown for a period. This shows the worst possible loss an investor could have suffered during the respective period, by first buying and subsequently selling the asset at the least favourable prices. For example, if there was the following sequence of daily ETF prices: 10€, 5€, 12€, 20€, an investor would have suffered the worst loss by buying for 10€ and subsequently selling for 5€. Therefore in this case the maximum drawdown would be (5€ - 10€)/10€ = -50%.
ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable).
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Risk overview

Volatility 1 year 23.77%
Volatility 3 years 19.83%
Volatility 5 years -
Return per risk 1 year 0.78
Return per risk 3 years 0.68
Return per risk 5 years -
Maximum drawdown 1 year -23.86%
Maximum drawdown 3 years -23.86%
Maximum drawdown 5 years -
Maximum drawdown since inception -23.86%

Rolling 1 year volatility

Stock exchange


Listing Trade Currency Ticker Bloomberg /
iNAV Bloomberg Code
Reuters RIC /
iNAV Reuters
Market Maker
gettex EUR UFMA -
Borsa Italiana EUR JPNE JPNE IM
ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V.
Baader Bank AG
Banca IMI S.p.A.
Bank Julius Baer & Co. AG
Barclays Capital Securities Limited
Bluefin Europe LLP
Citigroup Global Markets Limited
Credit Suisse Sec. (Europe) Limited
Deutsche Bank AG
DRW Global Markets Ltd
Flow Traders B.V.
Goldman Sachs International
HSBC Bank plc
Jane Street Financial Limited
JP Morgan Securities PLC
Merrill Lynch International
Morgan Stanley & Co International plc
Optiver V.O.F
RBC Europe Ltd
Societe Generale
Susquehanna International Securities Limited
UniCredit Bank AG
Virtu Financial Ireland Limited
ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V.
Baader Bank AG
Banca IMI S.p.A.
Bank Julius Baer & Co. AG
Barclays Capital Securities Limited
Bluefin Europe LLP
Citigroup Global Markets Limited
Credit Suisse Sec. (Europe) Limited
Deutsche Bank AG
DRW Global Markets Ltd
Flow Traders B.V.
Goldman Sachs International
HSBC Bank plc
Jane Street Financial Limited
JP Morgan Securities PLC
Merrill Lynch International
Morgan Stanley & Co International plc
Optiver V.O.F
RBC Europe Ltd
Societe Generale
Susquehanna International Securities Limited
UniCredit Bank AG
Virtu Financial Ireland Limited

Further information

Further ETFs on the MSCI Japan (EUR Hedged) index

Fund name Fund Size in m € (AuM) TER p.a. Distribution Replication
iShares MSCI Japan EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) 696 0.64% p.a. Accumulating Sampling

Frequently asked questions

What is the name of UFMA?

The name of UFMA is UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc.

What is the ticker of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc?

The primary ticker of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc is UFMA.

What is the ISIN of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc?

The ISIN of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc is LU1169822266.

What are the costs of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc?

The total expense ratio (TER) of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc amounts to 0.15% p.a.. These costs are withdrawn continuously from the fund assets and already included in the performance of the ETF. You don't have to pay them separately. Please have a look at our article for more information about the cost of ETFs.

Is UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc paying dividends?

UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc is an accumulating ETF. This means that dividends are not distributed to investors. Instead, dividends are reinvested in the fund on the ex-date, which leads to an increase of the ETF's share price.

What's the fund size of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc?

The fund size of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc is 79m GBP. See the following article for more information about the size of ETFs.

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— Data provided by Trackinsight, etfinfo, Xignite Inc., gettex, FactSet and justETF GmbH.

Quotes are either real-time (gettex) or 15 minutes delayed stock exchange quotes or NAVs (daily published by the fund provider). By default, ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable). There is no warranty for completeness, accuracy and correctness for the displayed information.