Global 60/40 Portfolio GBP (Monthly) [.60GBPM]


Elston Portfolio Code .60GBPM Portfolio objective The objective of this portfolio is to provide a two-asset portfolio for GBP investors with a static 60/40 equity/bond allocation for regular investment. Portfolio construction • The equity allocation is global with no domestic equity bias. • The bond allocation is 100% GBP-denominated and represented solely by Gilts (all maturities). • The ETF universe for constructing the portfolio consists of those ETFs eligible for regular investments of minimum £25 per ETF per month. Key points 1. Two-asset portfolio 2. Global equity exposure with GBP-based bonds 3. Eligible for regular monthly investment plans About Elston Model Portfolios Elston Model Portfolios are research portfolios developed for asset owners and asset managers. We believe that asset allocation should focus on delivering outcomes for clients.  From a portfolio construction perspective, Elston uses a systematic investment approach and constructs portfolios using index-tracking ETFs for transparency, efficiency and cost control. For more information, visit the ElstonETF website. Publication of this research portfolio does not constitute an advertisement or financial promotion. It is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be an offer or solicitation, or the basis for any contract to purchase or sell any security or other instrument, or for Elston Consulting Limited to enter into or arrange any type of transaction as a consequence of any information contained herein. Elston Consulting Limited registered in England & Wales, registration number 07125478, registered office 42 Brook Street, London W1K 5DB © 2018 Elston Consulting Limited. All rights reserved.

pro Jahr
5 Jahre p.a.
Volatilität 1 Jahr
Anzahl Fonds
Anlagestruktur im Detail
Anlageklasse / Fondsname Chart 4 Wochen TER
in % p.a.
in %
Aktien, Emerging Markets
Fondsauswahl anzeigen
Chart 4 Wochen 0,18% 10,00%
Aktien, Welt
Fondsauswahl anzeigen
Chart 4 Wochen 0,12% 50,00%
Anleihen, GBP, Großbritannien, Staatsanleihen, Alle Laufzeiten
Fondsauswahl anzeigen
Chart 4 Wochen 0,07% 40,00%
Portfolio   0,11% 100,00%
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