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1/2/24 | Asset allocation

Asset Allocation: choosing the right asset mix for your ETF portfolio

How to choose the right asset allocation for you so that you achieve your goals and minimise the risk you take.
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22/9/23 | Asset allocation

How to implement the Core-Satellite strategy with ETFs

The Core-Satellite strategy boosts a Buy and Hold portfolio with exotic ‘satellite’ asset classes that have the potential to enhance risk-adjusted returns. The strategy enables savvy investors to exploit the insight that markets are not always efficient by harnessing opportunities in niche markets.
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4/10/23 | Cómo funcionan los ETF

Swap ETFs: Synthetic replication of ETFs

A synthetic ETF replicates its index with a swap transaction (total return swap). These ETFs are also called swap ETFs.
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4/10/23 | Cómo funcionan los ETF

The decline of synthetic ETFs

Synthetic ETFs suffered reputational damage in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis. Investors have favoured physical ETFs ever since, so why do you still need them and who offers them?
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4/10/23 | Índices accionarios

MSCI index classification and how they divide up the world

Many ETFs track MSCI indices. But who is MSCI and how does its view of the world impact your portfolio?
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9/10/23 | Invertir

What is portfolio rebalancing?

With portfolio rebalancing, you keep your portfolio on track. It helps you to control the risks in your portfolio in the long term and offers the chance of an additional return through countercyclical trading.
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2/10/23 | Fundamentos de los ETF

ETFs: cómo funcionan

Los fondos cotizados te permiten obtener una exposición diversificada a un mercado de valores o subsector invirtiendo en un solo valor.
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22/9/23 | Conocimientos técnicos de ETF

ETF closing down – what now?

Time and again, ETFs are merged or liquidated. What you need to know when your ETF is closing down or being merged.
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4/10/23 | Índices accionarios

A new industry sector is born

MSCI and S&P are changing their stock market sector classifications. We explain what this shake-up means for ETF investors as it’s all-change for the Technology, Telecommunication and Consumer Discretionary sectors.
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22/9/23 | Temas de inversión

How to invest in gold with ETCs

Gold has been considered a valuable asset for thousands of years. Modern-day investors only have to invest in ETCs (Exchange Traded Commodities) to get their hands on the precious yellow metal.
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21/9/23 | Asset allocation

Una introducción a las principales clases de activos

Los ETF permiten construir una cartera diversificada de diferentes tipos de activos de forma más barata y fácil que nunca.
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4/10/23 | Temas de inversión

What do you get when you buy a Quality ETF?

Quality ETFs focus on profitable, low debt companies that have historically weathered economic turbulence better than other equities.
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2/10/23 | Temas de inversión

How to invest in real estate with ETFs

If you’d like to invest in property or want to diversify your portfolio then REIT ETFs are a great way to gain exposure to the global and UK real estate markets.
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2/10/23 | ETF de bonos

Fixed Income Indices for Bond ETFs

How many bond indices can you name? For most people, the answer hovers around zero. So discover more about these mysterious instruments at the heart of bond ETFs.
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4/10/23 | Temas de inversión

What is a Smart Beta ETF?

A product that tries to combine the best of passive and active investing sounds too good to be true, but is it? Here’s what you need to know.
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22/4/24 | Cómo funcionan los ETF

Replication methods of ETFs

This is how ETFs replicate their index: A summary of all replication methods of ETFs. The aim is to replicate the index as accurately and cost-effectively as possible.
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4/10/23 | Asset allocation

La diversificación marca la diferencia

La diversificación se refiere a la distribución de la riqueza entre diferentes clases de activos, sectores y regiones. La diversificación de las inversiones dentro de la cartera permite reducir considerablemente el riesgo.
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30/3/23 | Invertir

La combinación de inversiones en la cartera de ETF

Según los estudios, la asignación de activos determina el 90% del éxito de las inversiones. Te mostramos cómo distribuir tus activos en la cartera ETF entre distintas clases de activos con la combinación de inversiones adecuada.
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16/8/22 | Cómo funcionan los ETF

Size matters when it comes to ETFs

Bigger is better is a good rule of thumb when comparing similar ETFs. Larger ETFs can exploit economies of scale to lower their costs and are less liable to liquidation with unfortunate consequences for your returns.
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28/12/23 | Negociación de ETF

Cómo elegir un ETF mundial (paso a paso)

6 pasos para elegir el ETF mundial adecuado para tu cartera
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2/10/23 | Estrategias de cartera de los ETF

A beginners’ guide to portfolio strategies

To diversify risk and return expectations across multiple markets, it makes sense to invest in more than one ETF. But which portfolio strategy is best? Here’s an overview of the dominant approaches.
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4/10/23 | Índices accionarios

Indices: the drivers of ETF growth

An ETF tracks the performance of its index as closely as possible. But who is behind the indices? After all, your results depend on how their products capture the market.
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4/10/23 | ETF de bonos

An introduction to government bond ETFs

What are government bonds and why should they be in every investor’s portfolio?
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21/9/23 | Cómo funcionan los ETF

ETF currency risk: How to handle it

ETFs invested in overseas securities expose you to currency risk. We explain this risk and how you can protect yourself.
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4/10/23 | Temas de inversión

How currency-hedged ETFs protect you from currency risk

With currency-hedged ETFs, you can protect yourself against the risk of foreign currency investments. We explain how currency-hedged ETFs work when you need them and how to find the right one.
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