UniCredit ETFs

Italian UniCredit is one of the largest and oldest banks in the world. Their history goes back to the 15th century.

In 2005 Unicredit took over the German Hypovereinsbank. The company had been active in this area since 2000 with its own ETF "Indexchange" division. Indexchange was sold to iShares in 2007. However, Unicredit remained one of the most active market makers for ETFs in Europe.

In 2015, UniCredit again entered the ETF business with two ETFs on European convertible bonds and has since further expanded its range of special ETFs.


Gamma di prodotti UniCredit ETF

Azioni: 0
Obbligazioni: 0
Metalli preziosi: 0
Materie prime: 0
Criptovalute: 0
Immobiliare: 0
Mercato monetario: 0
Short ed a leva: 0
Totale: 0
Mostra tutti i UniCredit ETF

I migliori ETF di UniCredit


Nuovi ETF di UniCredit

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Tutti gli UniCredit ETF a colpo d’occhio

Focus d'investimento
a 4 sett.
a 52 sett.
Dim. del fondo
in mln €
Spese correnti
nel 2024
1 anno

Fonte: justETF.com; Al 25/04/24; Calcoli in Euro

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